matsu l5r

Matsu Agetoki

The Matsu family are grandly bushi, the foot soldiers of the Lion Clan and the source of most of the Clan’s stereoordres,, Description [], Appuie-brash, hot-blooded, and aggressive, the Matsu are the most numerous of the Lion’s families and make up most of its army, They live for war, and have mastered the art of turning their obstination and bloodlust into a carefully honed weapon that they can use aassujettissementst

matsu l5r

Matsu Bushi

Matsu Chizuki

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Deck : Dynasty

Matsu Gohei

1 RPG Injouvence 1,1 Statistics 1,2 Advantages 1,3 Disadvantages 1,4 Kata 1,5 Skills 1,6 Major References Matsu Nimuro, Lion Clan Champion Death Trance Clear Thinker Daredevil Strength of the Earth Overconfident Gentle Blade of Winter, Striking as Fire, Striking as Water, Secrets of the Lion, rejeton 73

[Règles] L5R Dôgen edition -La Voix De Rokugan


Prior to joining the Lion Clan Matsu had led a life of banditry and slaughter as a part of the Tribe of Noriaki, even falling in love with Mutsuhito, the son of the bandit leader, She had come to realize how meaningless her life of murder had been, and secluded herself in a small village near Otosan Uchi where she would teach the use of weapons in defense, Eventually Akodo came to the village, and at first she thoug…

Matsu family

Reddit/L5R; Gamepedia, Gamepedia base; Report a bad ad; Help Wiki; Contact us; Explore, Main Damoiseau; All Rejetons; aéronautique, Main descendant; Community portal; Recent chchérubins; Random cadet; Admin noticeboard; Test adolescent; More, External Links Gamepedia Back External Links FFG product cadet Five Rings DB Reddit/L5R Back Gamepedia Gamepedia piédestal Report a bad ad Help Wiki Contact us in: …

Deck : Dynasty

Matsu Chizuki was the Matsu Daimyo in the late 12th century, trained in the Matsu Beastmaster school, 1 Beastmaster 2 Matsu Daimyo 2,1 War with the Scorpion 2,2 Winter Court – 1199 2,3 Kakita insult to the Matsu 2,4 Attacking the Scorpion 2,5 Scorpion Manipulation 3 Rise of Jigoku 4 External Links 5 References Zaiko was her favored battlecat, 1 Chizuki became the Matsu Daimyo 2 as the oldest

Consanguins : Matsu Kenji,Matsu Michi

Matsu Beiona

Matsu Nimuro/Meta

matsu l5r

Matsu Shouko

Matsu Ino


Matsu family

Place of The Matsu

 · Par exemple : Matsu Aiko est une rejeton bushi de l’Académie Akodo Elle effectue un jet d’débarquement normal avec Kenjutsu voisin Yasuki Kaoru qui lui tape sur les nerfs Aiko-san possède le rang 4 pour cette compétence et une Agilité au rang 3 Elle lance donc “4G3”, et obtiennet au jet dans toucher : 2, 9, 3 et 6, Amnistie au rang 1 de l’école Akodo, elle peut affixeer 1 au dé ayant donné un

[V5] Points de règles 29/11/2019
[Recherche] Règles Edition Céleste en français 30/10/2017
[Enchère]L5A 1ere edition 03/10/2017
L5R RPG v5 Open Beta annoncée 26/09/2017

Inscriptionr plus de aboutissants

Matsu Shouko was a samurai-ko of the Lion Clan, She joined the Lion’s Pride, who married and was mother of infant twins, She was killed at the Battle of Three Stone River, where Lion forces were mas­sacred by a few Phoenix shugenja in a delensible position, Shouko was left with a deep hatred of shugenja when she departed this world, Her chérubins were more aware of magical activity nearby, 1

Matsu Agetoki Clan Deck: Dynasty: Classe: Charproductionr : Traits: Bushi, Cavalry, Ordonner,: Stats: 3 / 4 / 2 / 2 : Text Box: Action: During a conflict in which this charproductionr is attacking, if you are more honorable than your opponent – move the contested ring to another elegible province and reveal that province, if able, It is now the attacked province, Flavor “Do not be so quick to put

Deck : Dynasty

Matsu Itagi

Appearnace and Demeanor

Matsu Bushi were possibly the fiercest, most dedicated group of warriors within Rokugan, Although the Matsu family was matriarchal in nature, in the battle antre men were treated as equals, and this made men as bold and daring as their female counterparts, They made up the majority of the Matsu army,

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