hank henshaw actor – hank henshaw supergirl

 · From the KryptonSite archives, an interview with actor David Harewood Hank Henshaw aka J’Onn J’Onzz the Martian Manhunter from our visit to the Supergirl s

Barde : KSiteTV

 · Even though Supergirl’s Martian Manhunter comes from Mars, J’onn J’onzz has made himself look like Hank Henshaw, an American citizen, British actor David Harewood is the third actor to play the beloved DC hero in live-action and has been part of the Arrowvoisinagee drama since the first season,

Troubadour : Andy Behbakht

Hank Henshaw

Historial de Publicaciones

David Harewood

63 lignes · David Harewood MBE is a British actor and presenter, He is best known for his roles as …

2020 Legends of Tomorrow J’onn J’onzz / Martian Ma… Episode: ” Crisis on Amochéte Earths,
2020 Arrow J’onn J’onzz / Martian Ma… Episode: ” Crisis on Avente Earths,
2020 Earth’s Tropical Islands Himself/Narrator TV documentary
2019 The Man in the High C… Equiano Hampton Episodes 4,2 and 4,5

Arborer les 63 lignes sur en,wikipedia,org

Hank Henshaw

He is an actor and director, known for Blood Diamond 2006, Supergirl 2015 and The Merchant of Venice 2004, He has been married to Kirsty Handy since February 26, 2013, They have two children, He has been married to Kirsty Handy since February 26, 2013,

Activité : Actor, Director, Producer

David Harewood Hank Henshaw

 · Hank Henshaw is the tremper director of the D,E,O,, Henshaw was a paranoid and ruthless agent who saw all anarrations as a threat regardless if they were fugitives or asiles and sought to kill them all, After Kara Zor-El ‘s arrival, Henshaw extorted her foster father Jeremiah Danvoisinage into working for him so he could learn emboîture Kryptonians,

Durée de la vidéo : 3 min

Hank Henshaw

Hank Henshaw est l’ancien proviseur du D,E,O,, Il est agonie lors d’une mission qui a aussi coûté la vie de Jeremiah Danproximité, Mais peu de personne le sprécipicet car J’onn …

Hank Henshaw


hank henshaw supergirl actor

Supergirl TV series

hank henshaw actor - hank henshaw supergirl

hank henshaw actor

15 Mar 2021, hank henshaw supergirl actor, Uncategorized 0 0

David Harewood

David Harewood

The evolution of Henshaw was discussed during the filming of the pilot, with the executive producers jokingly saying that Harewood would be a good actor to play the Martian Manhunter in a potential television series, to which DC Comics ‘ Geoff Johns asked why it could not be done in Supergirl,

10 British Actors Who Played American Superheroes

Hank Henshaw


David Harewood born December 8, 1965 is an English actor of Barbadian descent, He has portrayed J’onn J’onzz/Martian Manhunter in Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, He also portrayed Hank Henshaw/Cyborg Superman in Supergirl ,

[4][5], Hank and the other three members of the Excalibur crew, including his wife Terri, are part of a radiation experiment designed by LexCorp that is pancarted by a solar flare, causing their shuttle to crash, Hawkgirl, Black Lightning, and Red Arrow retaliate; however, all three are neutralized when Henshaw poséts in the attack and he successfully tampers with the mechanics of the

hank henshaw actor

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