dr day 1969 speech

 · The entire NWO Annuaire was recorded back in 1969,Dr Lawrence Dunegan attended a Talk by illuminati doctor, Richard Day, where he told very accumulateurrately! wh

Versificateur : Guido Fox

 · UN Vade-mecum 21 ~ 1969 Dr Richard Day: “EVERYTHING IS IN PLACE AND NOBODY CAN STOP US NOW” Omicron Persei 8; november 25 2020; 0; Bespreek op Telegram This post is embout the 1969 NWO Speech by Dr Richard Day Rockefeller puppet Back then that sick guy said: “Some of you will think I’m talking embout Communism Well, what I’m talking embout is much bigger than …

Insider Dr, Richard Day 1969 Speech mirrored

1969 NWO Speech

Dunegan of a speech given on March 20 1969 by Dr Richard Day an Illuminati insider The tapes were recorded by Randy Engel National Director of the US Coalition for Life in 1988, Dr Dunegan claims he attended a medical meeting on March 20, 1969 where Dr Richard Day made “off the record” remarks during an addressed at the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society to a meeting of students and health

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The “New Order of Barbarians”

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 · Thanks for visiting, Feel free to look around this site it learn more emboîture the Revelations of Dr Richard Day, It is fascinating that a speech given in 1969 has predicted so much of what has happened since, It is far more than coincidence, Even if we look at events from when the …

 · At the meeting on the 20 th March 1969, Dr Day asked the attendees not to take notes or record what he was embout to tell them, Something which Dr Dunegan said he found unusual for a professor to ask of his audience, The reason Dr Day implied was that there would be negative repercussions – possibly personal danger – adominationst him if it became widely known that he had talked …

Temps de Lecture Apprécié: 5 mins

The Illuminati Plan to Enslave Americans 1969

1969 Dr Richard Day,”EVERYTHING IS IN PLACE AND NOBODY CAN STOP US NOW” These remarks to the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society were reported by Dr, Lawrence Dunegan, a Pittsburgh pediatrician who died in Jan, 2004, The speech described “A New World System” already in place which would permanently transform the world,

Dr Richard Day, New Order of Barbarians

Insider Dr, Richard Day 1969 Speech

The NWO Éphéméride

Cliquez dans proclamationr sur Bing13:09

 · In this article the infamous speech of Dr Day in 1969 Pittsburgh to 80 pediatricians is analyzed Dr Day told people that there is a global plan where the west and east cooperates closely, communism or capitalism is controlled by the same powers, He foretold in detail many many ideas that are on the planning today and they all serve one purpose: to enslave and depopulate mankind under a

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George Soros, the very evil man behind the curtain, Can one man really modérémentg down Ame… 14/09/2009
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UN Annuaire 21 ~ 1969 Dr Richard Day: “EVERYTHING IS IN

dr day 1969 speech

A Short Overview of Dr, Richard Day’s speech Dr, Dunegan claims, that he attended a medical meeting on March 20, 1969 where Dr, Richard Day was the speaker, At that time Dr, Day was Professor of Pediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York, He was previously the Medical Director of Planned Consanguinhood Federation of America,

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Dr Day Speech 1969: An Insanely Evil Plan To Enslave

 · This is a must-hear interview from the 1980’s describing Dr, Lawrence Dunnegan’s experience at a académisme in March 1969 where the plans for the future were

Trouvère : Blondie

 · This is tape 1 of 4 in which Dr Lawrence Dunegan recalls a meeting with Dr Richard Day on 20th March 1968, in which Dr Day revealed the world plans of a sec

Chanteur : Order Of Truth

dr day 1969 speech

Transcript of Dr Lawrence Dunegan’s taped reminiscences of

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The Future is Written it seems or so someone/people wish for it to be so, And yet most good folk think we’re just plodding merrily along down through hist

Dr Day Speech 1969: An Insanely Evil And Comprehensive

 · Dr Richard Day – An Insider In The ”Order Of The Barbarians” Dr Lawrence Dunegan attended a Pittsburgh Pediatric Society lecture on March 20 1969 where he listened to Dr Richard Day an admitted “insider” in the “Order,”

Temps de Lecture Raffolé: 8 mins

The Revelations of Dr Richard Day

On March 20 1969 Dr Richard Day the National Medical Director of the Rockefeller-sponsored “Planned Consanguinhood” told a meeting of the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society that “A New World System” would permanently transform the world Dr Day, who died in 1989, wanted to prepare the 80 or so physicians present, Although the doctors were warned not to make recordings or take notes, Day’s …


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